Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Listen to Jennifer Cardini

Sometimes my happy place is a huge dark techno warehouse in Berlin.

I love Kompakt. And today I’m loving Jennifer Cardini.

(Wow have times changed...)

Monday, August 25, 2008

The next big thing

So often I wonder. If I wanted to be business saavy- yet still wanted to keep my hip hop street cred, what should I wear?


(p.s. The Herd at the Metro were awesome)

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

So obviously I have an obession with Horrorshow....

So when I saw the cover of their new album 'The Grey Space' I totally flipped out- it's downstairs from my apartment!!

Check it out on google maps!


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh dear god....start the mental preparation

I bought tickets to Parklife.

As of late, I'm completely freaked out by festivals. The crowds, the people, the trashiness. I just can't handle it! Here's hoping Does it Offend You, Diplo and Peaches get me though it.


Rubies - Stand in a Line

This is for you Laura! Rubies are a femaleish version of Kings of Convienience don't you think?

I actually love 'I Feel Electric" more though....who am I kidding- all of their stuff!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I went to yum cha and came back with...

1. Summer festival fever. After watching Benjis clips of Glastonbry, Exit Festival and Benicassim it makes me want to stop being so blah and dance in the sunshine on the grass again. Could my party mojo be back? I kinda even want to go to Parklife (but MyDisco are on the same night?!)

2. Music envy. After watching Benjis clips of Glastonbury, Exit Festival and Benicassim. Bastard.

3. An impulisvely bought Ticket to Cirque du Soleil's Dralion.

4. Being enlighted by Fujiya & Miyagi. Wow. Just like Air only not so sucky live (according to to Benji). Who wants to be a hippy and dance? Me! me! me!

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Green Light - John Legend ft. Andre 3000

I'm pretty sure I'm obsessed with this song at the moment.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

OMFG! My Disco are touring!

Want dirty? Want hot? Want minimal?

Want to have a life changing experience?

MyDisco are everything and more.

Be at the Annandale on October 10. That is all.

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